87,443 happy members


Become the Best Rider for Every Horse


Thousands of equestrians have transformed their horse’s lives.

A course for every rider 👇

We’ve bundled all the riding courses in this package!

Every rider benefits from this bundle

Discover your horse's level and starting point

Find solutions for (little) problems

Use an approach that's natural to your horse

Included in the Lateral Riding Course 👇

off the horse riding course

This course trains you for the perfect body language in the saddle.

lazy horse course

Understand why your horse is lacking forwardness and tips to solve it.

Hot horse course

Discover WHY your horse is too forward and get useful tips and exercises.

Mounting issues course

With this course, you’ll never have to worry about getting on your horse or needing help from someone else.

Lateral movements course

Teach your horse new lateral exercises.


stopping and blocking course

With all the new movements, you can move on to the diagonal. This is known in dressage as the half pass.

This is what our members
say about TRT method on socials

“TRT method is a very useful method to understand your horse and to teach him to be more relaxed."

“With TRT method I have way more powerful tools to help my horses."


How the TRT Riding Bundle works

TRT method is a step-by-step online video training program. You don’t need to have advanced computer skills to follow this program.

You get access to a very user-friendly online platform where you’ll find your training videos.

You’ll get lifetime access to your videos and can watch them as often as you’d like.

The platform works on all devices and there’s an app if you want to watch the videos on your mobile phone! 🤩

Get Access to the TRT Riding Series Bundle!

and get a discount of 75%! 🤯

This is what you'll get:

  • 👉 Off The Horse Riding Course
    Worth €83
  • 👉 Lazy Horse Course
    Worth €92
  • 👉 Hot Horse Course
    Worth €92
  • 👉 Mounting Issues Course
    Worth €92
  • 👉 Lateral Movements Course
    Worth €130
  • 👉 Stopping and Blocking Course
    Worth €99

Total Value €588.00

75% Discount! Now only €149

Price is without tax.

Not happy? Money back, guaranteed.

€149 EUR = 156 USD = 248 AUD = 125 GBP = 224 CAD = 274 NZD

Over 87,443 happy equestrians

TRT RIding Series

Become the Best Rider for Every Horse


Thousands of equestrians have transformed their horse’s lives.

A course for every rider 👇

We’ve bundled all the riding courses in this package!

Every rider benefits from this bundle

with my step-by-step exercises

Discover your horse's level and starting point

Find solutions for (little) problems

Use an approach that's natural to your horse

Included in the TRT Riding Bundle👇

Off The Horse Riding Course

This course trains you for the perfect body language in the saddle.

Lazy Horse Course

Understand why your horse is lacking forwardness and tips to solve it.

Hot Horse Course

Discover WHY your horse is too forward and get useful tips and exercises.

Mounting Issues Course

With this course, you’ll never have to worry about getting on your horse or needing help from someone else. 

lateral Movements Course

Teach your horse new lateral exercises.

Stopping and Blocking Course

Solve any blockages your horse has that might cause rearing and stopping.

This is what our members
say about TRT method on socials

Real equestrians, real results

“TRT method is a very useful method to understand your horse and to teach him to be more relaxed."

“With TRT method I have way more powerful tools to help my horses."


How TRT method works

TRT method is a step-by-step online video training program. You don’t need to have advanced computer skills to follow this program.

You get access to a very user-friendly online platform where you’ll find your training videos.

You’ll get lifetime access to your videos and can watch them as often as you’d like.

The platform works on all devices and there’s an app if you want to watch the videos on your mobile phone! 🤩

Get the TRT Riding Series Bundle

and get a discount of 75%! 🤯

This is what you'll get:

  • 👉 Off The Horse Riding Course
    Worth €83
  • 👉 Lazy Horse Course
    Worth €92
  • 👉 Hot Horse Course
    Worth €92
  • 👉 Mounting Issues Course
    Worth €92
  • 👉 Lateral Movements Course
    Worth €130
  • 👉 Stopping and Blocking Course
    Worth €99

Total Value €588.00

75% Discount! Now only €149

Price is without tax.


4 monthly payments
65 4 Monthly Payments, ex. VAT
  • Lifetime Access to the FULL training
  • Step-by-step training for a stress-free ride
  • Q&As with me to get personal help
  • Access to the supportive TRT Community
  • Stops automatically, but you keep lifetime access


one-time payment
247 ex. VAT
  • Lifetime Access to the FULL training
  • Q&As with me to get personal help
  • Step-by-step training for a stress-free ride
  • Access to the supportive TRT Community
  • Safe choice: 90-day money back guarantee

Not happy? Money back, guaranteed.

€29 = 30 USD = 48 AUD = 24 GBP = 43 CAD = 53 NZD

Or get the courses YOU want 👇

Pick the training tools you need, no more, no less.

Off The Horse Riding Course

This course trains you for the perfect body language in the saddle.

Lazy Horse Course

Understand why your horse is lacking forwardness and tips to solve it.

Hot Horse Course

Discover WHY your horse is too forward and get useful tips and exercises.

Mounting Issues

With this course, you’ll never have to worry about getting on your horse or needing help from someone else.

Lateral Movements

Teach your horse new lateral exercises.

Stopping and Blocking

Solve any blockages your horse has that might cause rearing and stopping.

Can't choose? Grab the bundle.

TRT Riding Series

The perfect bundle for you if you’re running into problems when it comes to riding.